Monday, August 4, 2014

Potty Training and Swim Lessons

Ryder has been up to a lot lately because apparently turning 2 is a pretty big deal.

Ryder started swim lessons about a month ago so on Saturday mornings him and Tyler head off to play in the water.  Ryder wants nothing to do with instruction and is very comfortable in the water. He thinks he can swim so is constantly trying to get out of Tyler's arms.

I watched him last week and it was fun to watch him in a class setting.  I'm pretty sure we have a class clown on our hands.  At one point the instructor was talking about life jackets and was talking for a couple minutes when Ryder decided he had heard enough so he started splashing Tyler in the face.  Of course all the other kiddos decided that was hilarious and started splashing their parents in the face.

He is definitely a goof ball and fun to watch!

We also decided to go ahead and try to potty train Ryder.  To be honest, I probably should have waited until I was getting more sleep at night and Sawyer was a little older, but when the boy is showing all the signs that he is ready and I'm washing diapers almost every day I just couldn't wait. So, a week ago we pulled out the underwear, treats, IPAD, and of course the potty.  We rolled up the carpet and pretty much spent 4 days at home sitting on the potty.

After the first day, Tyler had to give me a little pep talk (the whole no sleep thing = no patience too) and after some flowers and home-made frappuccinos we were back on track.

Ryder is actually doing really well.  He has pooped in the potty every day but one (and that was in a pull-up) He loves wearing his underwear and is getting really good at using the potty when we tell him, but has yet to tell us when he needs to go other than for a BM.  He is very proud of himself (as he should be).  I really dislike potty training but love when the kiddos are successful and I get a day free of washing diapers!

I found this sticker stuck to my arm on day four...ha potty training is exhausting.

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