Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ryder at 2 years old

All about Ryder at 2!

Favorite things are:  reading books, playing with blocks, going to Little Monkey Bizzness, Spiderman, any type of vehicle, being outside, swimming, playing pretend with Rilyn, and singing and dancing especially to Jesus Loves Me and The Fox Song.  

Favorite foods: cookies, cottage cheese, waffles, eggs, bell peppers, goldfish, any fruit, and mac and cheese.  Ryder is still super inconsistent with food though and some days will love something and the next not touch it.  But the above items are pretty consistently his favs.  

Newest skills: going on the potty - for the most part this kid is potty-trained, knows the letter R and M and that Ryder starts with R and mommy starts with M, building taller towers with blocks, talks tons and in 3 - 5 word sentences, putting on his crocs, and counting. 

Funny/cute things he says: "hold you" for hold me, "Funny..." he thinks everything is funny, "HaHa" grandma (although he can say grandma very clearly), "Oh Ry Ry" again when he thinks whatever he does is funny. Actually there isn't tons of cute little kids sayings from him because he does speak fairly clearly.  He never did babble and really went straight to talking.  

He is such a fun loving and goofy boy. He loves to be around his family and is a very happy little guy.  He is a ball of energy that keeps us moving constantly. He is a little daredevil and has absolutely no fear.  

 He is also quite the handful when he wants to be.  I'm pretty sure when I tell him "no" it goes in one ear and out the other because that word has no meaning for him.  We've started with sending him to his room when he is throwing fits and he loses IPAD time on occasion.  He throws a lot less tantrums than 6 months ago but he still is pretty defiant so we will just continue working on it.  

At Ryder's wellness visit our doctor entered with the words, "that's a big boy you have" ya ya we hear it every time they weigh one of our kids.  And I'm pretty sure Ryder's going to be our small one...ha!  He weighs 28 lbs 15 ounces (75%) and is 36 inches tall (85%).  

We enjoy being around this little goof and I'm so proud to be his mama.  Of course I wish it wasn't so exhausting sometimes but hey that's part of parenting.  Everyday is exciting and fun with Ryder in it that's for sure!  

His favorite shape is the triangle...

Being a goofball!

1 comment:

  1. Love the little chalkboard and the set up of his 2 year old shots. Very cute!!
