Thursday, September 18, 2014

Yikes...Trying to Catch Up Again!

The story of my life right now...catching up.  O'well we are in the 2nd week of our bible study at church and I've completed ALL the homework both weeks so I guess thats a good thing...a month ago there was no way I would have got it all done so I know the overwhelming busyness of a newborn is about done with.  Not that I want Sawyer to grow up anymore but it is nice having a smidgen of time to myself!

Okay, back to catching are some things we've been doing around here lately...

Wearing our colors to cheer on our team.  According to Tyler, "the most wonderful time of the year."

With 3 little ones there are sure to be some early mornings.  I used to dread the early mornings but now I love them.  I get some one-on-one time with a kiddo and I love the sounds and sights that sunrise offer.  Sawyer decided to get up a little before 5 the other day.  So we made muffins, drank coffee, listened to Worship Hymns, and enjoyed the sunrise.

Lots of bike riding

And our kids are pretty much still obsessed with eachother.  Really they all get along great and are always snuggling and loving up on eachother.  Granted we have plenty of sibling rivalry but at the end of the day it's obvious they are bestfriends.  The other day, Rilyn got dressed and Ryder looked at her and said, "You look nice sissy." Cue melting of this mama's heart.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet little life you all have! Love these catch up posts :)

    "made muffins, drank coffee, listened to Worship Hymns, and enjoyed the sunrise" PERFECTION! You are a great mama
