Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Rilyn at 5 1/2

I was a bad mommy this year and didn't get a 5 year old post up about Rilyn.  Sometimes life just happens (like a sickness in our household for 2 months and then a very tired 1st trimester mama) so we are just getting around to taking some 5 1/2 year old pictures and her interview.

Rilyn is a super fun, energetic, social, loving, sensitive, and often moody 5 year old girl.  She loves being a big sister and is so good with the boys it's really unbelievable.  Of course she has her moments, but 90% of the time is just plain awesome with the boys.  She can't wait to be a big sister again and kisses and squeezes my belly throughout the day (more than I would like to be honest ha).

She loves to play pretend with Ryder and they are usually dressing up and imagining some sort of wild play scheme.  She is really into her baby dolls, but for the most part is not really into toys of any other kind.  Unless of course it's part of whatever it is they are imagining.  She likes to do crafts for a short period and much longer if she is just creating something on her own.  She likes playdough, drawing, beading, and painting the most.

Rilyn loves to be outside growing her own garden and just being active. She loves the trampoline, riding her bike, swinging, and getting dirty.  She has tried many different sports and activities and I don't think she has found her thing yet.  But, is always sad when they have ended and is always excited to try something new.

She loves being with friends and going to Sunday School or daycare at the Ymca.  She makes friends easily.  Even at home she doesn't like playing alone and always wants to be around others.  She is definitely an extrovert.

Rilyn is always ready to learn something new and with her I've realized I just have to wait for her to be ready to learn something particular and then it's easy, fun, and smooth sailing for us both.  She really enjoys writing and is often with a pen and notepad in hand.  She can sound out many 3 letter words when she writes and is very excited about being able to write actual words.  She knows all her letters and their sounds and she is able to print all her upper case and lower case letters.  She has recently been more interested in math and is grasping numbers and their relationships to objects.  She enjoys working with shapes and patterns.

Rilyn loves to help around the house and usually will offer to clean with me.  She really likes washing dishes, sweeping, and cleaning the bathrooms.

Rilyn is still an early riser and I would say is up by 6 most days.  She goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00 and will still take a nap quite often.  We are transitioning to a quiet time, but this week have noticed she has decided to nap instead of play.  She functions so much better when she naps.  If she doesn't get enough sleep we get 15 year old Rilyn and let me tell you I'm so not ready for a teenage girl!

We love being her parents and are incredibly blessed to have her as our daughter.  I couldn't imagine any girl more perfect for our family.  It's so special to have someone that always makes you feel loved and appreciated and I never get tired of seeing her bright eyes first thing in the morning ready for another adventure.

Rilyn's 5 1/2 year interview
How old are you?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite show?
What is your favorite book?
Sophia Book
What is your favorite place to eat?
At Sandwiches (Subway)
Where do you live?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Teacher Ballerina
What is your favorite toy?
What is your favorite animal?
Giraffes and Kangaroos
What is your favorite song?
Who is your best friend?
Jane, Ameila, Orion, Payton, Grant, and Noah
What do you like to take to bed with you?
Who is your hero?
What are you really good at?
Sports - baseball
If you had 1000 to spend what would you spend it on?
If you could have a wish what would it be?
Dresses, jewelry, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces

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