Thursday, August 4, 2016

Sawyer at 2 years old

Our little guy turned two in May.  He brings so much love and joy to our lives as well as frustration and a lesson in patience.  He is all boy, and is growing and learning so much every day.  It's so fun to watch their language and comprehension develop as well as all those connections they've been making to come to life in their actions and words.

Sawyer's vocabulary has really started to pick up and he attempts to repeat most everything. Although, he is a much later talker than Ryder he reminds me a lot of his speech development.  As did Ryder, when he repeats a word it is very clear.  Every day he's adding new words to his list of spontaneous word bank.  I can't list all of his words but here's a shot: mama, dada, me, you, Bubba, Sissy, dog, truck(uck), ball, blue, purple, color, drink(ink), Papa, Zoe, Porter(Poe Poe), Night, Love you, shoe, sock, poop, pee, bath, outside, moe moe (motorcycle), Yesss, no, done, more, yellow, hi, down, cheese, milk, good, gone, zoo, and car.  He knows common animal sounds and vehicle sounds and has an amazing fire truck siren sound.

Sawyer sleeps well through the night.  He goes to bed around 7:00 and is up anytime between 6 - 7 in the morning.  He still sleeps with his monkey and elephant and loves those lovies.  He naps between 1 and 3 hours every afternoon.

Sawyer is still a good eater, but most recently has decided once he is done he is done and wants down immediately.  He just can't wait to go play so I think he is consuming less than he was a couple months ago.  I actually don't think he is completely finished, but you can't tell him that.  We are working on keeping him at the table until everyone is finished, but sometimes he is so stubborn he has to go sit in his room until we are done so he is not so disruptive to everyone's meal.  His favorite foods are: fruit, cheese, hard boiled eggs, hummus, cottage cheese (his most favorite), mac and cheese, pizza, cucumbers, peppers, and of course sweets.  Other than those he will usually try whats in front of him, but doesn't have tons of extreme preferences.  He is not really into bread, crackers, or meats of any kind.

He is growing and developing just as he should be.  It's nice that he continues to put on weight and height and move up a tad on the growth charts.  At his 2 year check-up he was 27.1 lbs (55%) and 35 12 inches (80%).  He is in 24 month or 2T clothing and will probably move up this fall or winter into 3T as most items are starting to get snug or not snap easily.

He loves to play!  Outside is his favorite and prefers to be outside to any other activity.  What he lacks for in language he definitely makes up for in gross motor skills.  He is very sturdy on his feet and can climb, jump, throw balls, kick, and keep up well with his siblings.  He loves water and swimming.  He loves balls and vehicles of any kind and will typically play with those most often.  He plays well with his siblings; although, does best when he is one-on-one with one of them.  He really enjoys books and I often catch him pulling out quite a few and reading to himself.  He still wants me to read the same books over and over again and I try to comply as often as possible, but oh boy do I get tired of reading the same ones.  His favorites are: "Goodnight Construction Sight" "Go Train Go" "Goodnight Arizona, or Colorado, or Montana," "Goodnight Moon," any sound book, or some simple word books we have with animals or vehicles in them.  He enjoys coloring or stickers and usually wants to do whatever it is I'm doing with the older two.

He is crying less in Sunday school and at the Y daycare (I bribed him with candy) and is starting to interact with other kids more often.  He loves his people and his dogs!  He is pretty obsessed with any animal and can't help but snuggle all dogs as much as I let him.

 He is still very stubborn and likes to be in control.  I don't think either of those will change so we just parent him as is.  We are trying to be consistent with rules and has started doing lots of time outs (which he really dislikes).  He throws more temper tantrums then the other two combined and will fight for his way until we are spent.  It takes a lot of energy to keep up with him.  He also likes routine and struggles if I try to deviate from his normal way of doing things.  I'm still hopeful as he gets older it will at least be easier to reason with him and as him communication grows I'm sure some of the tantrums will stop.

He is such a fun energetic boy and we are always laughing at his different facial expressions.  I love spending my day with him and can't wait to see him every morning when he wakes up and am more than ready for him to go to bed every night.  He is such a great addition to our family and is very loved.

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