Saturday, February 25, 2017

Fynn's First Weeks

Fynn's first few weeks were so magical.  I love the first few days with a newborn and have learned to soak up every second.  And let me tell you...I did just that.  Some nights I couldn't fall asleep, even though I was up all night nursing a newborn, I would just lay in bed next to Fynn and stare at all the wonderfulness that is him.

Fynn started sleeping 3 hour stretches within a couple weeks and by a month had even a few 4 - 5 hour stretches.  His favorite place to sleep is my chest and he will sleep the longest when he is laying on my chest.  It's not super comfortable for me to lay propped up but we have gotten through some fussy times by sleeping that way.  I'm going to be honest, he practically has lived on my chest or in the arms of one of his siblings.  They are all just as obsessed as their mommy and daddy are with Fynn.  More so, Sawyer and Rilyn; however, Ryder is always checking on Fynn and helping whenever he can.  Ryder's job is to throw away the diapers and he is very proud of that job.  No one else in our house is allowed to touch those diapers.  Sawyer's job is to turn on the music for Fynn, but I think he has decided it's giving Fynn either his monkey or Fynn's bear lovie.  Rilyn just does everything else.  She would nurse this baby if she could!

He takes the pacifier which is so nice right now.  I'm sure we won't feel the same way in a couple years.  He tries to suck his thumb too but can't quite figure it out and he is trying far less than he used to since he has taken to the pacifier.

Fynn has a very serious face.  Sawyer had the same serious face.  He looks confused and then mad most of the time when he is looking at a person or the fan.  Fynn is really obsessed with the fan, but we are not sure if he likes the fan or if he thinks it's his enemy by the way he stares at it.

I did catch him smiling when he was dreaming though so I know he has some smiles in him.

Life has just kind of gone on as normal.  I knew that things were just going to take longer and I wouldn't be able to get done what I normally do.  Going into life with a newborn knowing that has made things way less stressful.  We get outside when we can, listen to audiobooks a lot, and snuggle while I'm feeding Fynn.

Of course that doesn't mean we haven't had our moments.  The second day I had to pick Rilyn up from school I didn't feed Fynn immediately before we left which meant we stopped at the library after getting her and the kids played on the computers while I fed Fynn.  Trust me, they weren't complaining.

Getting out of the house before 10 is near impossible without lots of planning and prep the night before.  We've even made it to the Children's Museum a couple times as well as some mom's group/homeschool group stuff that all started well before 10.
And when it's too quiet in the house I look in the bathroom where Ryder informed me him and Sawyer were having a the bath tub.

Life has been so so good.  Exhausting for sure and it's never easy trying to split your time between 4 kids, but I'm thankful the kids all love being with eachother and spending time as a family.  Having a new baby is nothing but exciting in this house and I'm so glad this time hasn't proven any different.

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