Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Fynn's (Very Long) Birth Story

Fynn's birth story starts quite a few days before he actually decided to make his arrival.  Like at least 3 days before. My initial labor was LONG, like days, but active labor was very short.  So short, he was very close to being born in the car.

I started having prodromal labor on Christmas.  I never had true prodromal labor and I wouldn't wish it on any pregnant mama.  We knew Fynn was not in a great position and I had been doing some exercises, chiropractic treatments, and positions to try to move him around prior to labor.  But apparently, he wasn't budging which is why I was having true contractions that would just stop after hours.  My body was just trying to get the boy in a good position.  But, it was exhausting physically and frustrating emotionally.

On December 27th, I started having painful contractions that I could time, so once again I was thinking it was the day.  I was awake all night with contractions and at 6 AM after 8 hours they just stopped. I called the midwife on call crying that I had just been in labor and now I wasn't.  Ha, I'm sure she was like ya so why are you calling me, but I was so desperate for help.  She reassured me it was completely normal and could happen a few more times.  Definitely not what I wanted to hear.

Tyler headed off to work and I carried on with our day.  Although, my contractions never stopped they were not consistent through the day.  They were extremely painful and many I had to stop and work through.  It was a little scary for the kids and after some explaining to them, Ryder comforted Sawyer with the news that, "mommy is not actually turning into a monster." Such a great description of what a laboring mama actually sounds and looks like.  Especially, since for many of the contractions, I was on all fours hoping to get the baby to move into a good position.
The kids and I went into town for a chiropractic treatment I had scheduled.  I decided to let him try some acupuncture to assist the baby in a better position.  He assured me it wouldn't hurt, well guess what having needles stuck in your toes does hurt, so I left there literally hurting from my head to my toes since the treatment also left me with a headache.

I took a nap when the kids did that day, and about 2:30 woke up to some really hard contractions.  I called Tyler at work and asked him to try and come home earlier.  Even though I didn't know if I was in labor or not I think I was just so tired at that point I wanted him home.  We went through our evening as usual with my contractions sticking around but not being consistent.  We decided to see if Yvonne would come grab the kids after dinner.  A part of me was really worried she wouldn't be able to get the kids and I was wondering how much of that stress was stopping my labor.  After she got the kids I got in the bath and of course my contractions stopped completely.  We decided to go to bed.  I fell asleep for 30 minutes and then woke up with some of the worse contractions I'd had with any of my pregnancies.  It felt as if my hips were being pulled in opposite directions by a strong machine. I'm pretty sure this is when Fynn turned into a more optimal position.

I tried laboring a little in bed, hoping to fall back asleep, assuming everything would stop again.  I couldn't relax and was in a lot of pain so Tyler and I got out of bed and I started timing them again. My contractions were not super consistent at this point but were about 9 minutes apart.  Also, some were long and hard and others short and easy.  BUT I was starting to feel pressure and that scared me as we have a 45 minute drive to the birth center.  We called the birth center, and I think hesitantly, they said to come in.  I was pretty sure labor was going to stop in the car.  As soon, as we got in the car they jumped to 3 minutes apart and even though I could feel pressure and the urge to push I still timed the contractions with my phone they whole way to the birth center.  It was like I needed proof that I was having them.

I was starting to not only having the urge to push but was feeling Fynn's head descending.  Somehow, both Tyler and I remained calm the entire way and neither of us were stressed.  Even if Tyler was driving a little faster than he should have and I was squeezing a baby in for dear life.  We got to the birth center and I walked in, through a contraction, nearly breaking Tyler's hand in the process.  I was not going to fall on the floor in front of random strangers in the waiting room.  We got to the room, and after a couple contractions the midwife joked that maybe I should get undressed.  So, I did and got in the tub and within 8 minutes of getting there we were holding Fynn.

I think the midwife and nursed were a little surprised to say the least.  Tyler and I think we should get a discount since I've hardly ever labored at the birth center but have come in ready to have a baby and we don't make them work hard enough.

It was my hardest labor but easiest birth so I'm happy that at least all the work beforehand made for an easier birth.

We spent 4 hours at the birth center and headed home!

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