Monday, November 22, 2010

32 Weeks & Optimal Fetal Positioning

Tomorrow we will be 32 weeks pregnant!  We had a check-up today and everything looks great.  I have gained 5 lbs this last month, which puts me up to 15 lbs gained total so that is good, and I am measuring right at 32 weeks now!  The baby's heart rate was 150.  Also, the midwife thinks he/she is already head down.  She wasn't 100% sure, but said our next appointment she would be able to tell 100%.  That is really good news as a breech position would risk us out of the birth center and we would then be referred to a hospital, which we really don't want.  Actually if the baby is not head down by 36 weeks we risk out.  It's been pretty cool learning about optimal fetal positioning.  Optimal fetal positioning is a theory that a mother's movements and positions influence how the baby lays later in pregnancy.  We want the baby to be head down with his back on one side of my stomach.  This position makes labor shorter and easier.  And when you are planning any childbirth, especially a natural childbirth you want that right?  So, we have been doing a lot of exercises to help move this baby in the correct position.  Lots of squatting, pelvic rocks, and sitting "criss-cross" on the floor instead of sitting on the couch.  Of course I never seem to get the recommended amount of exercises in, but I've been trying.  It's just been really cool learning about all these things that we can do to help us not only have a healthy baby, but also a healthier birth.  For more information on optimal fetal positioning you can visit

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