Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Baby-Led Weaning aka Baby-Led Solids

Tyler and I are about to embark on an adventure and we are very nervous and excited about it...we are going to start feeding Rilyn (other than my breastmilk filled with super powers).  I think Tyler and I have spent so much time thinking about this because we both feel that good early eating habits will help pave the road to an adventurous, nutritious, and happy eating child.  We are both usually pretty disgusted with the general eating habits of the general population and quite frankly sometimes our own.  We live in a country where fast food is the norm, school lunches are filled with crap, and food related diseases are the norm.  Like I said, Tyler and I are far from where we would like to be as far as our eating habits and we hope to keep improving.  We will be the first too admit it's not easy!

Here is a general summary of what baby-led weaning aka baby-led solids is:
  • you feed your baby whatever it is you are eating (as long as it's nutritious)
  • you skip the puree stage
  • the baby decides when, how much, and what he/she eats
  • you let the baby feed him/herself
  • the baby still gets as many milk feedings as he/she wants
Here are some of the benefits:
  • baby joins in on family meals and the family can eat along with the baby
  • baby gets used to a variety of tastes and textures
  • baby gets to decide how much to eat and what to eat (depending on what you put on the tray)
  • baby learns about their world
  • no baby food preparation
  • baby learns to chew food and handle it earlier
Honestly the book mentions many more, but really there is no scientific evidence that these actually occur...we are doing this because we think it will work for our family not because we think it is scientifically proven to be better.

Some cons:
  • messier (although I've fed babies purees before and they can get pretty messy)
  • scary - the book obviously doesn't think this is the case but ya I'm a little freaked out Rilyn will choke...we will see
  • Tyler and I need to make sure we always have something healthy for her to eat (oh wait, this is a pro)
What about the choking you ask....
  • babies have less of a chance of choking if they are in control of what you put in their mouth
  • the gag reflex of babies is up a lot higher than that of adults so food doesn't get as close to the back of the mouth
We are excited to give Rilyn her first meal on Thursday (her sixth month birthday) and keep talking about what it is we want to offer her.  I have to admit I am getting pretty nervous but at the same time I am excited.

Here is the website for the book:

Disclaimer: We don't think it is bad to give your baby purees (hey if I freak out enough we might end up doing the same).  I am sure your child will also grow up to be a great eater!  You know us...we just like to do everything a little differently...I don't know why :)

Rilyn has had some snacks lately:
 Zoe's foot

 Hummus on a red bell pepper

 A strawberry

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