Here is a general summary of what baby-led weaning aka baby-led solids is:
- you feed your baby whatever it is you are eating (as long as it's nutritious)
- you skip the puree stage
- the baby decides when, how much, and what he/she eats
- you let the baby feed him/herself
- the baby still gets as many milk feedings as he/she wants
- baby joins in on family meals and the family can eat along with the baby
- baby gets used to a variety of tastes and textures
- baby gets to decide how much to eat and what to eat (depending on what you put on the tray)
- baby learns about their world
- no baby food preparation
- baby learns to chew food and handle it earlier
Some cons:
- messier (although I've fed babies purees before and they can get pretty messy)
- scary - the book obviously doesn't think this is the case but ya I'm a little freaked out Rilyn will choke...we will see
- Tyler and I need to make sure we always have something healthy for her to eat (oh wait, this is a pro)
- babies have less of a chance of choking if they are in control of what you put in their mouth
- the gag reflex of babies is up a lot higher than that of adults so food doesn't get as close to the back of the mouth
Here is the website for the book:
Disclaimer: We don't think it is bad to give your baby purees (hey if I freak out enough we might end up doing the same). I am sure your child will also grow up to be a great eater! You know us...we just like to do everything a little differently...I don't know why :)
Rilyn has had some snacks lately:
Zoe's foot
Hummus on a red bell pepper
A strawberry
Don't choke you naughty baby.