Saturday, July 16, 2011

July Ramblings

I've had many revelations.

Last Saturday as the U.S. Soccer team was playing in the world cup, I was absolutely devastated when they came back to beat Brazil.

See, I hate soccer more than I love the You Ess of Ay.

Our girl (notice I did not say little) ended up at the doctors this week about a week shy of her 6 month appointment (nothing to worry about).  Our good friends the Harms have a daughter that is 15 months.  Payton's weight...22 pounds.  Sugarlip's...20 pounds.

The way that I see it, Rocky could have squatted a horse cart full of boulders in preparation for his bout with Drago, or carried Rilyn around for an afternoon.  Both would have resulted in a rock hard body capable of ending the cold war.

From now on every time I get Rilyn ready for the day I am going to dress her in Broncos gear.  This will accomplish 2 things.

1)  She will develop an unhealthy obsession with all things Broncos.

2)  Anna will no longer let me get her ready for the day.

I've also been trying to convince Anna that it's no longer appropriate for me to see the lady parts of our daughter resulting in no more diaper changes or baths given.

Anna is not buying into my obviously sound reason as I continue having to get Rilyn ready for the day, change diapers, and bathe her.  Damn you Persuasion 101 (which I obviously only took to pick up chicks).

As I wrote this, RGD just took her sock off, put it in her mouth, let out a scream, looked at me, and smiled.

Whack a Daddy is no longer as cute as I once remember it.  I think it has something to do with the sledge hammer of a fist that pummels my back at 3 in the morning.

Just when I think I'm finally ok being a vegetarian I go out to eat and 2 pounds of chicken wings are delivered to the table next to me.  The only possible solution is to go home and watch Food Inc...again.  To date I think I've watched the movie about 33 times.

I honestly think that the best possible advice that I could give to any new couple is this.  Be the first to have a kid in your family.  I don't know if it's possible to have girl that is more loved than Rilyn.  I can't see how it's possible that our second (John Elway willing) will feel as special, but those closest consistently put a smile on my face.

Lastly, and in complete seriousness, a HUGE thank you to Diana, Marcos, and Joaquin.

Joaquin.  Thanks for sharing your mama with Rilyn this next school year.  I promise to show you some leniency the first time you and your betrothed sneak out of the house. 

Diana and Marcos.  Words can't describe how grateful and lucky we are to have you in our lives (and right around the corner).  You  lifted a huge weight off our shoulders.  It's a good thing that when Diana told me what you had decided she left quickly.  I was so overwhelmed the room became unexpectedly dusty, my contacts began bothering me, and the smell of onion overtook the room.

All at the same time.

Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, you are so sweet- and funny! We love all three of you very much and are very excited to spend more time with Rilyn!!!
