Thursday, September 27, 2012

Photo Shoot

Today I took the kids to Sears for a portrait session.  I had grabbed a Groupon for pictures there so they were super cheap which is good because the photographer wasn't great (although she was super nice) and we were there for 2 1/2 hours.  But she got a couple good shots, and Rilyn loved posing once again.

Here are a few of the shots.....if you want to see them all go to  Our session number is: 132811 and the password is: K2ZNB.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Pretend Play

This last week did Rilyn not only start playing with toys she also has started some pretend play.  She has never been much of a toy kid.  So, I was kind of surprised when she started some pretend play this last week too.  She likes to feed everyone in the house with her "meals" and play mommy.  I've been taking lots of video because it is just too cute.  She is very serious with her baby and shushes it A LOT.

It's also neat seeing her model everything we do.  Unless of course we shouldn't be doing it.  Ha, I really need to watch what I'm doing now because she is picking up on everything!

And of course a little video of the boy...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Just some pics from our week...

Watched the Broncos game on Monday....

shushing her brother

Ryder hung out with Trixie....

Ice cream with daddy before bed....

Rilyn has been in trouble a lot this week...Tyler decided that putting masking tape on her hands would not be considered child abuse....

A little visit to the zoo for our fun day Friday trip....

Rilyn apparently was sharing with Ryder because this is how I found him after I put her down for a nap...
Cuddling with daddy....

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fall Fun, Family Fun, and Some News...

This last weekend we celebrated the soon to be arrival of fall, did some work around the house, and hung out with some of our peeps.

On Saturday, we went to Larkspur's first annual Harvest Festival.  It was a lot of fun with a lot of firsts for Rilyn.  She met a scarecrow, went in a bouncy house, sat in a helicopter, and wet down a big inflatable slide.  I didn't realize how high the slide was or her and I would not have attempted said slide.  She ended up liking it, but wimpy mama did NOT like the slide.  We love spending time in our little town and meeting our neighbors.

Grandma and Grandpa Decker came for a visit on Saturday night and brought us some pizza.  We were very thankful because we spent the afternoon working on the garage and were pretty tired.  As they were loading up Gigi (great grandma), Rilyn decided she was going home with them and got in her seat in their van so she ended up with an unplanned sleepover which was a treat for everyone :)

playing in Rilyn's tent
On Sunday, Ryan and Carly brought us lunch...needless to say we were well fed this weekend!  It was nice hanging out with them and seeing Ryan feeling good!  Carly wrote a very nice post dedicated to Rilyn and Ryder if you are interested:
Here are a couple pictures I stole from their post:

In other news, I officially quit my job today!  I get to stay home with the kiddos and we couldn't be more excited.  I love being home with them and I am so truly blessed that I get to be home!  

Friday, September 14, 2012

Some Things We Did This Week - In Video

What did our week consist of you might ask.....

How about some smiling...lots of smiling the boy really figured that one out this week!

Lots of chatting on the phone....

The dogs got lots of treats...

And we ended the week with a pajama dance party...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Learning to Drive, Taste Testing, and Brother Love - All Things Rilyn

Rilyn has been up to a lot lately and LOVES to keep us busy!  What has she been up to??

Driving - Yep, Rilyn has decided that she should learn to drive before she is potty-trained.  Her interest in vehicles started with her papa and him letting her hang out in his car for a whole day while we were working in the garage.  She also got to go for drives with him around our little neighborhood.  Since then her favorite past-time is hanging out in the Jeep, and although she does love her daddy it might seem like she loves him just for his jeep because every day when he gets home she squeals in delight and then says, "beep."  Meaning let's go dad we have some driving to do.

Taste Testing - Rilyn's second favorite past-time is helping us cook; however, she is more of a taste tester than a chef.  If you don't give her a little snack to munch on while you cook she will get her grubby little hands on whatever it is you are making - way before it's ready.  She has eaten raw eggs, cold refried beans, uncooked oats, and other items I might think are non-edible.  And it's not like you can just keep it away from her...she is strong and determined to get it in her mouth and she ALWAYS does.

a handful of beans

Loving on her brother - Rilyn still loves her brother so much and is so amazing with him.  She is such a little mama and is so good to him!

Hello!  Can these two look anymore alike?

In other news...Ryder is doing great and I have even been getting a one 4 hour stretch of sleep a night!!  The dogs are very over protective just as they were with Rilyn.  Porter stays pretty close to the baby and Zoe is positive he needs to be licked continuously if he is crying and not attended to immediately.

Apparently, when Ryder does tummy time every one does tummy time...

And yesterday it was a beautiful cloudy rainy day and my favorite day so far in the house because I LOVE those days.  Monkey Mountain was just as pretty covered in fog.