Sunday, September 9, 2012

1 month old

On Friday, Ryder turned 1 month old.  This month has flown by and we are enjoying learning about his personality and being parents of 2.

So far he has been a pretty relaxed baby at least in comparison to Rilyn.  For the first 3 weeks, he really just slept and ate, which made moving much easier than it could have been with a newborn.  The last week he has started to wake up more and has 2 pretty consistent periods of wakefullness ( first thing in the morning and later in the evening).

We won't have any stats this month and we are excited to see what his stats are at his 2 month appointment.  I'm pretty sure he will be big just like Rilyn and already seems huge to me.  I've seen 2 babies this last week and was certain they were younger than him, not just their sizes but also strength and alertness, but they both ended up being older than him.  He is already outgrowing his 0 - 3 month clothes, especially in length.

He is eating really well and doesn't like to miss a feeding.  He is eating every 2 hours during the day and even every hour some evenings before bedtime.  At night, he is eating every 2 - 3 hours still but I think he will start stretching them out a little longer soon.  One issue we are having at night is his reflux definitely kicks in - I'm guessing because he is laying down.  I have been trying to get up and feed him sitting up, but it's so much easier to lay down and sleep while feeding him.  But both of us end up suffering when I don't get up.  The poor guy spits up tons and even comes out of his nose!  During the day, this has gotten better and I know it's because he is upright.

He likes to be on his stomach and back during the day and will play on the floor a couple times throughout the day or whenever it is dog and Rilyn safe :)  He also likes to be in the moby wrap in the froggy position and spends quite a bit of time in there every day.  He smiles a little and stares very intently at whomever is talking to him.  He loves a variety of positions during the day and I try to move him around a lot to keep him happy.

Rilyn is still loving him and very attached.  We've seen very little behavior issues and we are crossing our fingers that sticks.  Every one in awhile she wants me to hold her when I'm busy with him, but is pretty easily consoled with a hug or the chance to sit next to me.

We just are loving every second of being around this little guy and can't wait to see the person he becomes.  This first month has been great and we love him so much!

1 comment:

  1. In LOVE with them both! So dang cute. What a blessing Ryder is to be "easier" especially with all the transition you guys have had. You are both such good parents!
