Monday, June 1, 2015

It's a Party

On Sawyer's actual birthday we had a small family celebration for Sawyer.  My family is coming into town later this month so we decided to just do a couple small celebrations instead of one big one.

Sawyer woke up to a living room filled with balloons.  He loves balloons because he can grip them and toss them.  The other two at his age would just pop them but he really just loves throwing them.

He took advantage of doing whatever he wants to on his birthday and got especially messy at breakfast.

He loved having his family here to celebrate.

He also loved eating cake!

This is what he does the second he is done eating...get me out of here!!
He loved opening presents....once he realized what he was doing.  He was throwing a fit at first because I interrupted his play.

It was a simple party but a big celebration for our one year old!  

1 comment:

  1. Such a good mama planning that amazing party! Also really happy to see Tyler's orange crocs in the family picture ;)
