Saturday, January 29, 2011

1 Week Old...

 Rilyn turned one week old yesterday!  It has been an amazing week for Tyler and I.  Neither of us expected the overwhelming emotions that we would experience with the birth of Rilyn.  We are both so in love and are cherishing every moment we have with her.  I can't believe how long we can just sit and stare at her and all her cute little faces that she makes. 

For the most part, we are finding caring for a newborn easier than what we were told it would be.  Nights can be hard, but I know it won't last long and I am trying to enjoy her needing me so much.  There are moments were I feel like all I do is care for her, but Tyler has been doing a great job of taking over so I can have some alone time. 

We had Rilyn's 1 week check-up yesterday and she is doing great.  She has already surpassed her birth weight and now weighs 7 lbs 11 ounces.  She is eating every 2 - 3 hours and we have gotten a few 4 hour stretches from one feeding to the next.  That gives me about 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep.  Last night Tyler and I celebrated being parents for 1 week by opening a bottle of champagne.  So far I think we are doing pretty good and have a lot to celebrate!
Rilyn's 1 week check-up with the midwife that caught her
The birthday board at the birth center

Trying out her swing...she liked it for about 5 minutes and then threw up her food...pretty sure she just wanted to be held

1 week old

This is where she ended up after the swing...on the couch next to mommy and daddy.

We survived a week...we deserve a drink!

1 comment:

  1. I remember the days of the being up ever 2 to 3 hours:) I like Rilyn's snowman pjs, Noelle was wearing the same ones last night. Happy first week to all of you it only gets better from here!
