Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

What a great and busy weekend!  I actually didn't have my camera with me most of the time so we don't have pictures of everything but here is what we did:

Friday -
Rilyn and I found a tree and hung out outside with Porter.  She loves just laying in the sun and looking up at the sky. 
Kristin and I went out Friday night and had a little Indian food.  It was super yummy and Tyler got to have some daddy time with Rilyn.  Kristin and I have been friends forever now (15 years ish) and it is so great just to sit and talk for hours.  It was really nice without a baby needing attention.  I needed some best friend time!

Saturday -
We had our Bradley class reunion.  There were 2 other families that took the natural childbirth classess with us, and it was great to meet the little ones.  Everyone from the class was able to have a natural childbirth and we shared our amazing birth stories.  By the time I remembered to take a picture the babies were all fussy and sleepy so maybe next time I will get pictures.

Around 3:00 PM, Kristin surprised me with some mimosas and a birthday surprise!  She took me to get a pedi and mani, and then took me to my favorite restaurant, Watercourse   It is all vegetarian/vegan and is delicious!  Waiting for me was Stacey, Diana, and Carly, with presents and birthday hats!  It was awesome to have a dinner with all my friends and celebrate.  I am one lucky girl!  It was the first night out I really had since having Rilyn and I was very disappointed to throw out the milk I had pumped because according to the test strips there was too much alcohol in the milk...opps :)  I will post pics once Kristin sends them to me.  It was a great night....thank you friends!

Sunday -
We had Carly's graduation party.  We had nice weather and enjoyed Stacey's amazing backyard. 
Those Decker's sure like to mess with my baby's hair!

Trying out the new swing

Carly just had to try the Moby Wrap...and she loved it!  Looks pretty natural on her huh?

Then today....we went to the dog park, had a picnic, and took a nap!  It was a great day!  And I didn't have my camera with me at no pics :(

I'm so excited to spend lots of time with friends and family this summer...I bet it's a great one!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Last weekend

Well it's Friday but I decided it was time to post about what we did last weekend and this last week.  This was my first week off for the summer and it was great.  Just being home with the baby is the best thing ever!
Last Saturday we went to Stacey Decker's yard and got to work.  She has an amazing yard that just needed a little bit of TLC and with 3 brothers in town we figured it was time the Decker boys helped out their sister!

So, we pulled lots of thistles, I dug an amazing hole, and planted grass seed.  Apparently, grass is already growing and it is looking good. 

lots of thistles

Rilyn lending a helping hand

looking better

all clear

lots of grass seed

Stacey's porch swing is the best!

lots of hard work and then some lovin
We also went to dinner at our friends the Harms.  They have the cutest little girl Payton who just turned 1.  I didn't take too many pictures that night, but did get a couple.  We had a very yummy dinner and Rilyn got to hang with her Uncle Kendall a little too!  Thanks for a great night guys!

Oh eyes!

We have a lot going on this weekend too....reunion with lots of babies, a party, a birthday hike and picnic..FUN!

I think today Rilyn and I will go lay on a blanket at the park and relax before the craziness begins!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Monday, May 23, 2011

4 months old

On Saturday Rilyn turned 4 months old!  Time is still flying by, but even more so since she is no longer a fussy colicky baby, but a fun, cute, and NAPPING one. 

Rilyn has spent the last month at Grandma Decker's and boy did she ever shape up!  She is now napping pretty consistently and will hang out on the floor or with some toys for a few minutes.  Let me tell you it is really nice going to the bathroom without her screaming.

She had her 4 month check-up today and she weighs 16.4 lbs and is 24 inches long.  She is in the 85% for weight and the 30% for height.  So, I guess she is short and chunky :)  She is wearing 6-9 month clothes.  She is still eating like a champ and is just getting mommy's milk for now.  The doctor said we could start giving her rice cereal, but since she doesn't need it we are going to wait until she is 6 months to start trying foods.  Rice cereal really has no nutritional value and breastmilk provides her with everything she needs so we would like her to continue getting the most nutrition. 

She is napping about 3 times a day and taking longer naps 1 - 2 hours.  She is still waking up every 2 hours at night, but we are trying to transition her out of our bed as she does seem to sleep better in her own space.  We have set up the pack-n-play next to our bed (she out grew the bassinet).  I still love sleeping with her especially since I was working, but Tyler (rightfully so) is ready for his bed back. 

Rilyn is becoming so much fun!  She is so close to laughing and rolling over.  I am sure they will happen in the next couple of weeks.  She is starting to play with toys more and likes being in the exersaucer.  She smiles all the time and loves to coo.  She also likes to play peek-a-boo and being sung too. 

Really she is just turning into an amazing little girl and we couldn't be happier.  

Oh and Trixie has decided she likes Rilyn or at least she likes her when she is naked and getting some diaper free time to try and clear up a diaper rash.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May Ramblings

Until further notice, ramblings are all you get.  I just don't have it in me to compose a fluid blog.  There will be no beginning, no middle, and it will end when I want it to.

Added to the approved nickname list:  Sugar Lips.

There's no good story about how it came to be.  One day, I just said "Good Morning Sugar Lips" and it stuck.  It's providence.  Plus, for me, it's so close to Thunder Lips, AKA Hulk Hogan, I get a little chuckle everytime I say it (Rocky IV Reference).

In a previoius post I mentioned that we didn't have an embaressing reason why Megan puts up with Clint.  I was reminded of one, probably the best, so here it goes.

Megan, did you always dream of getting with a man that would intentionally get tazed?  And after he was tazed, did you always dream of massaging his calve muscles?

Boom Roasted.

Anna went caffeine free during pregnancy, and pretty much through Rilyn's first 4 months.  The couple times she wanted some so bad she could taste it always resulted in one fussy baby.

Until now.  Anna's body has began processing caffeine in a way that it doesn't cross into breast milk.  I just wish she would say "My body is literally processing caffeine in a way no other human ever has".

It's that, or our chunky 4 month old isn't as affected by it anymore.

Rilyn also has decided that one of her favorite things to do is smack me around.  Seriously.  At 1 in the morning I'll wake up to getting smacked in the back.  I roll over, notice that her left arm (closest to Anna), unrestricted by any blankets, is not moving.

Her right arm meanwhile is flailing away.  On my back.  So I'll put her back to sleep, roll over, and 10 minutes later, whack, whack, whack.

She only prefers the back when my face is out of reach.  If it's close enough, she gropes my face like a blind person.  What she's actually doing is getting me in the right position, because as soon as I'm right where she wants me, I get a big smack...right in the face. 

The end.

Friday, May 20, 2011


This year we have decided to become part of a community garden close to our home.  Last year we received veggies & fruits from an amazing local CSA called Grant Family Farms.
You can check them out here:

We are going to get eggs from them this year, but decided to try some veggies on our own.  We may (probably will) go back to being part of the CSA, but we were excited to try and see if we could master the art of gardening.

We are sharing a 14x14 plot with our good friends the Solorzanos.  I used to work with Diana and we live across the driveway from them!  They have the cutest son ever and we are sure that him and Rilyn will get married some day.

We planted a lot of veggies and flowers, and still have some to plant.  So far we have planted tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, yellow bell peppers, cauliflower, jalapeno plant, and some flowers.  We also have spinach, carrots, and peas left.  I'm sure I forgot something.

I am most excited to teach Rilyn about delicious fresh foods!  Maybe her first food will be from our garden!  Tyler and I want to start nutritious eating habits with her from the start.  We've already decided she will probably never get McDonalds from us and we will start her off as a vegetarian.  As she gets older if she wants to eat meat she can make the decision for herself. Really we want her to know where her food comes from and eat lots of whole foods (real food).
When she gets to be Joaquin's age she can play in the dirt with him!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Auntie Tasha!

Today is my sister's birthday and we just all wanted to wish her a very amazing birthday!

We miss you and hope to see you soon!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Congratulations Aunt Carly!

Today Carly our amazing sister-in-law and one of Rilyn's favorite people is graduating from college!  What an accomplishment!  Congrats Carly!  We are so blessed to have you in our lives.  Here are some things Riyln loves about you:
You give her lots of good mohawks

You make her smile...A LOT

You love and appreciate her chunkiness
You take care of her on Fridays

Mother's Day

We had a great weekend celebrating Mother's Day.  Tyler made sure the whole weekend was super special and treated me like a queen.  I am one lucky lady to have not only the cutest daughter ever, but be married to the sweetest man!
On Saturday, I got to sleep in...hallelujah.  We then went to breakfast, I napped with Rilyn, and we had an awesome dinner with the other Deckers (Ryan and Carly).  They have a super cute apartment and we go to try out Ryan's new never been used before grill.
On Sunday, Stacey and I went to church and we met all the Decker's at her house for lunch.  Megan and Clint brought me some gorgeous flowers and we all got to drool over Rilyn.  Tyler also made me a cute little slide show that made me cry just a little.  Here is a link to that if you would like to tear up a little also.

And here are some pictures for you to enjoy!