Monday, May 23, 2011

4 months old

On Saturday Rilyn turned 4 months old!  Time is still flying by, but even more so since she is no longer a fussy colicky baby, but a fun, cute, and NAPPING one. 

Rilyn has spent the last month at Grandma Decker's and boy did she ever shape up!  She is now napping pretty consistently and will hang out on the floor or with some toys for a few minutes.  Let me tell you it is really nice going to the bathroom without her screaming.

She had her 4 month check-up today and she weighs 16.4 lbs and is 24 inches long.  She is in the 85% for weight and the 30% for height.  So, I guess she is short and chunky :)  She is wearing 6-9 month clothes.  She is still eating like a champ and is just getting mommy's milk for now.  The doctor said we could start giving her rice cereal, but since she doesn't need it we are going to wait until she is 6 months to start trying foods.  Rice cereal really has no nutritional value and breastmilk provides her with everything she needs so we would like her to continue getting the most nutrition. 

She is napping about 3 times a day and taking longer naps 1 - 2 hours.  She is still waking up every 2 hours at night, but we are trying to transition her out of our bed as she does seem to sleep better in her own space.  We have set up the pack-n-play next to our bed (she out grew the bassinet).  I still love sleeping with her especially since I was working, but Tyler (rightfully so) is ready for his bed back. 

Rilyn is becoming so much fun!  She is so close to laughing and rolling over.  I am sure they will happen in the next couple of weeks.  She is starting to play with toys more and likes being in the exersaucer.  She smiles all the time and loves to coo.  She also likes to play peek-a-boo and being sung too. 

Really she is just turning into an amazing little girl and we couldn't be happier.  

Oh and Trixie has decided she likes Rilyn or at least she likes her when she is naked and getting some diaper free time to try and clear up a diaper rash.

1 comment:

  1. i happen to love that she is 85% for weight, 30% for height :) what a great combo because she is just a short, chunky cuddle machine
