Friday, May 20, 2011


This year we have decided to become part of a community garden close to our home.  Last year we received veggies & fruits from an amazing local CSA called Grant Family Farms.
You can check them out here:

We are going to get eggs from them this year, but decided to try some veggies on our own.  We may (probably will) go back to being part of the CSA, but we were excited to try and see if we could master the art of gardening.

We are sharing a 14x14 plot with our good friends the Solorzanos.  I used to work with Diana and we live across the driveway from them!  They have the cutest son ever and we are sure that him and Rilyn will get married some day.

We planted a lot of veggies and flowers, and still have some to plant.  So far we have planted tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, yellow bell peppers, cauliflower, jalapeno plant, and some flowers.  We also have spinach, carrots, and peas left.  I'm sure I forgot something.

I am most excited to teach Rilyn about delicious fresh foods!  Maybe her first food will be from our garden!  Tyler and I want to start nutritious eating habits with her from the start.  We've already decided she will probably never get McDonalds from us and we will start her off as a vegetarian.  As she gets older if she wants to eat meat she can make the decision for herself. Really we want her to know where her food comes from and eat lots of whole foods (real food).
When she gets to be Joaquin's age she can play in the dirt with him!

1 comment:

  1. Next year will be even more fun! Paige loves our garden! She like to point at each of the different kinds of plants and have Mommy tell her what they will grow. We also practice our counting with the asparagus shoots!
    Have fun!
