Tuesday, June 21, 2011

5 months old

Today Rilyn is 5 months old.  Both Tyler and I are amazed at how quickly time is flying by.  For some reason knowing my baby is 5 months old has been really hard for me. Soon she is going to be moving and eating solid foods and maybe just maybe sleeping through the night and all that means to me is she just doesn't need her mama anymore.  I'm excited to see all the developmental milestones that are about to take place, but saddened by the thought that she is not my infant anymore. 

I don't have any stats on her right now as we don't go to the pediatrician for a 5 month check-up, but you have all seen the pictures...she's a chunk.  She is wearing 6-9 month clothes, but will probably be out of those in the next month. Really she has thunder thighs....we got a vaccination today and she didn't even cry...of course I thought wow super baby, but really her thighs are just so chunky she probably didn't even feel it.

She will eat every 2 hours if we are just hanging around and she gets bored, but if we are out and about and she is entertained she has gone up to 4 hours between feedings.  We are still exclusively breastfeeding; although, I am sure she will be ready to eat whenever Tyler and I are ready for her to eat. 

In the last couple of weeks she has started longer stretches of sleeping (4 or 5 hours) once during the night.  This is pretty inconsistent and some nights she is up every 2 hours and some nights I might get a 4 hour stretch of sleep.  She naps and mostly sleeps at night in the swing.  I must admit I am not super pumped about that, but sleep is so good for me and her and really I am just taking it anyway I can.  She naps great in the swing, and I can't get her to nap longer than 30 minutes anywhere else.  She just hasn't quite figured out how to put herself back to sleep.  I guess this is where Tyler and I are struggling the most.  We both want her to learn to put herself to sleep without crying herself to sleep, but that is just not happening.  Also, when we can get her to take a pacifier we are golden, but the little stink will take it for a couple weeks and then refuse it for a couple weeks. 

She is imitating tons!  Just today I was shaking my head no and she started to try to shake her head.  Of course it is really jerky, but pretty darn cute.  She is recognizing Tyler and I from other people and is starting to prefer us.  Her favorite game is still wack-a-daddy between 4 AM and 5 AM.  As soon as he even breathes a little loud she turns around and starts slapping him.  I never thought Tyler and I would wake up at 5 AM on a Saturday laughing, but we just can't help it when she looks at us with those big blue eyes.  She is also loving the dogs right now and will laugh at them when they are playing.  She laughs but really only when she wants too.  She is sitting propped up fairly independently and is sitting up without a prop for a few seconds.  She LOVES to sit up and is a much more content baby these days.

Tyler and I are loving the happy, fun, and sweet baby she is starting to become.  The first 4 months were really hard with the fussing.  I can probably safely say we are in our groove as parents and loving every second. 

trying to sit up on her own

1 comment:

  1. I loooove her thunder thighs! I hope those never ever go away-they are the best things I've ever seen. What a sweet baby girl Rilyn is!
