Sunday, October 9, 2011

She just keeps growing and growing...

Wow!  I can't believe all the new things Rilyn is doing every day!  For awhile it just seemed like she would stay this little blob forever and now I can't grab the camera quick enough to capture everything.

Tyler and I catch ourselves laughing constantly (not that we didn't before) and bobbing our heads to stupid kid music (which we probably did before too).  I had some, previously forbidden in the Decker household, plastic/music/light up toys that I have pulled out this weekend to try and entertain her for 5 minutes so I can get something done, but even those are not as exciting as the stairs or dog bags, or shoes, or mommy and daddy books (which are organized to our liking fyi), or Trixie.....the list goes on and on. 

So, we had some battles this weekend with what Rilyn can touch or not touch (unfortunately more no touching than go ahead), but either way Rilyn is learning the word no and not liking it at all.  She scrunches up her cute little face and then fake cries until she is really crying and just P****D off!  But, we are hoping that we don't have to child proof tons and can just teach her some boundaries.  Ya, I know what you are thinking, "ha they have no idea."  And we don't!!!

She is saying dada a lot and whenever Tyler leaves the room she searches for him and screams dada until she finds is pretty adorable.

She is eating tons of yummy food and I think I am losing some unwanted baby weight because I am constantly picking off of her plate, which always consists of lots of veggies and fruits, some protein, and maybe a little carbs.  We had chili with Stacey and Jason on Saturday and she loved it!

She seemed like she was getting sick yesterday afternoon and woke up around 1:00 AM with her first low-grade fever, but she kicked the fever by about 5 AM and seems like she is already on the mend.  I love that she is exposed to tons of germs, eats nutritious foods, gets her probiotics, and is still breastfeeding like a champ because I think all of that has given her a great immune system.  Now if someone besides G-Lo could get her too nap for more than 1 hour at a time maybe her immune system would be even better! 

Now to the fun part....

Here is a video of Rilyn standing up, but it is really dark and you have to tilt your head in a very uncomfortable position.  So I guess you can sort of enjoy it :)  She started pulling herself up yesterday on the couch and as of tonight she has pulled herself up onto everything in the house.  The little stink is even standing up in the bathtub holding onto our shampoo shelf, which is obviously not at all sturdy enough to hold her.  And she is standing up holding on with only 1 hand too!

Our deep freeze ate the dust on Friday so of course we needed to salvage our precious B-milk, which after is defrosted can not be refrozen and should be used within 24 hours so I pumped this weekend and Rilyn got bottles.  It was kind of fun because I never see her drink a bottle and wow she destroys it!

trying to trade daddy his beer for her milk
Rilyn enjoyed annoying Trixie this weekend.  She has discovered she can put toys in Trixie's bed and actually climb into it...

Trixie was not too happy that Rilyn was sitting in her little patch of sunlight
Rilyn can climb stairs now or at least up the first step

And we are loving this fall weather!  Cute fall hats, leaves changing colors, a couple pumpkin patch visits in the near future, and some banana bread baking in the oven as I type....glorious beautiful fall!

I'm pretty sure this is her trying to figure out how the other kids are climbing and how she can get over there and chase them.

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