Friday, July 27, 2012

40 Weeks and 18 Months

Today we are 40 weeks pregnant....

With Rilyn we knew we would go past our due date because it is very common for first time mamas to go at least a week over so really we had no expectations.  But, I've been having some pretty good contractions for 2 weeks now and we thought for sure we would be have a baby before now.  So, we are a little disappointed and I'm pretty dang uncomfortable but the baby and I are both healthy and got a good report today and so that is all that matters to us.

The baby's heartbeat is 150 (higher than Rilyn's was at this time), I've gained a total of 24 lbs (6 lbs less than I did with Rilyn), and I'm a whole 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and minus 1.  And none of that really means anything except things are happening, and could be happening for another week or 4 hours we just don't know.

Rilyn and I even headed to the zoo today to see if walking would get some things going.  I've been walking most mornings with the dogs so I didn't think it would, but hey you never know!  Plus, taking her to the zoo is so much fun because she loves animals right now and she got to pet an opossum which was very excited.

Rilyn had her 18 month check-up yesterday and she is healthy and developing like she should be.  Her vocabulary is about 25 words, and imitates everything we say.  I think we've even added 2 more words since her 18 month birthday.  One of them is mommy finally!  Seriously, what kid says 25 words before they say mommy!

She is 29 lbs which puts her in the 97% for weight, 33 inches tall (83%), and her head is 18 1/2 inches (61%).  We were surprised she was still so big because she is losing so much of her baby fat.  But, I am pulling out 3T clothes since many of her 2T clothes are getting too small so I guess it makes sense.

She eats and sleeps great!  She is starting to give up her morning nap but somedays will still take one.  She is napping for about an hour in the morning and then another 1 - 2 hours in the afternoon.  I can't imagine the morning nap will be around for long.  Last week she didn't take one and this week she has needed one every day.  She goes to bed around 7 PM and wakes up around 6 AM.  We would love for her to sleep in a little later but I know we are blessed to have a kid that goes to bed so early and sleeps through the night so I try not to complain about the early morning.

She still doesn't love playing with toys with the exception of her stroller, beads, and phone.  She is also really getting into books and will ask us to read to her numerous times throughout the day.  She loves cooking, going outside, and visiting people.  She is very active and we chase her around all day.  She walked the zoo for 2 hours today without once sitting in the stroller.

She is getting into trouble more and more and we are trying to figure out how to best parent this stubborn little tyke.  She definitely is hard headed and likes to see how far she can push us.

She is such a joy and we can't wait to watch her be a big sister.  I think she is going to love having a baby to take care of.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! We are so excited to meet your little one. Can't wait to receive the great news!
