Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lawdy, Lawdy, this lady crazy!!!

Hello friends,

For the first time in the history of this blog I promise to be brief.  I have just one story for you.

Know how I know my wife is 37 weeks pregnant?  The hormones seem to be a bit out of control.

We've got a couple bee hives outside of our front door.  This is obviously a problem since I'm allergic and the the thought of Rilyn getting stung is about the worst thing I can think of.

Anna however, can think of something much much worse.

I called the HOA who called the exterminator who came last night to rid us of these pests.  She came by, terminated the pests and left.

Due to the fact that our house is like the Sahara and we need to have fans going all night, on Ann'a command I made sure and asked the exterminator if it would be alright to open up the windows after she was done spraying.

She said yes, that would be fine and safe.

After the termination I could tell my lovely wife was bothered about something.  I could tell this because she asked me about 7 times if I was SURE it was ok to have the windows open.

I feel like I handled the interrogation well, that is, until she asked me the 8th time, and I basically said, "Women, you're driving me crazy with these questions" (this is obviously the PG rated version of what was said).

Anna's response (and I quote):

"Well if we are poisoned and die in our sleep Rilyn will be all alone in her crib until midnight tomorrow".

Also, she was balling.

See she had thought the entire scenario of our untimely deaths, to how long it would take family members to figure out our untimely deaths, all the way to how long it would take our family to break into our locked house and rescue Rilyn.

Lawdy this women must be full term pregnant!


  1. hahahaha no words. no words at all. i love anna.

  2. Completely rational, actually. I'm with Anna on this one :)
