Sunday, December 9, 2012

Egg Farm

Last week, the kids and I went with Stacey and Grandma Decker to visit the farm where we will be getting our eggs.

Tyler and I have been buying eggs from Grant Family Farms for a year now, and have been purchasing free-range organic eggs for a few years.  We rely on eggs for a lot of our vitamins and minerals as well as omega-3s and protein.  Factory farmed eggs just don't provide those because the chickens are not well taken care of.  You can not only taste and feel the difference you can see it.

Yvonne found a woman who has about 25 chickens and was looking to sell her eggs.  Her adult daughter takes care of the animals and gets the money.  The daughter has some varying needs so now we are not only supporting a small farm and humane chickens, we are helping give this lady a way to earn some income!

The family invited us out to visit the animals (they also have goats, a pony, dogs, a horse, and a barn cat named Barny).  It was pretty cool to watch Rilyn feed the chickens that produce the eggs she eats.  She wanted to kiss all the animals except the rooster who made it known that he did not like her by kicking her in the back as she walked by him.

We had so much fun and can't wait to go back!!


  1. What a fun day! And yum to the eggs-they are literally bright orange yolks!

  2. What a great thing you are doing! and soon you will have your own eggs :)
