Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Kitchen Redo

Today we finished the kitchen redo that we've been working on....and nope I don't mean our kitchen, I'm talking about Rilyn's play kitchen...her Christmas present that has been a work in progress for about 3 months now.

I kept seeing these really cute kitchens that people have made out of random furniture like end tables and entertainment centers.  I realized that I was definitely not that talented nor did I have the time to actually complete one of those projects so I went on the search for a used kitchen that I could just buy.

And then I found the used kitchen, but boy did it need some work.

Rilyn and I spent some time cleaning it, which she really enjoyed, and then I hid it from her so she wouldn't see it again until Christmas.

So, it's been painted, fabric has been mod podged to the back, new burners, a new faucet, and some knobs later - we have a kitchen....

I don't love the faucet, it's much bigger than I thought it would be.  I also have some little details I still want to add eventually like maybe a chalkboard on the side like this:

Either way, I'm happy it's done and excited to give it to Rilyn.  


  1. This is the best present ever Anna! So adorable! Love those colors and how beautiful you made it. The faucet is great-not too big in my opinion. Makes it more accessible to her I think.

    What an awesome project that she will always remember!!

  2. Finally catching up with your blog! Love this! You did a great job and I am sure she will love it.
