Sunday, December 9, 2012

Snow Day

Today we has our first real snow.  We probably got around 4 inches, and Rilyn, the dogs, and I got outside to enjoy it before it's gone.  It's been such a mild winter that we've missed out on some of the winter fun you might usually have in Colorado.  We loved looking out our window today and watching the snow blow around.

We got all bundled up...that only took about 30 minutes!

Rilyn tried throwing a snowball but for one it was really powdery and two she can't really throw with her mittens on because she couldn't wrap her fingers around it so this is what happened when she tried to throw it....

We made snowballs, played with the dogs, made snow angels, and just had tons of fun.

Licking her lips after eating snow

Rilyn's snow angel

Of course we also had to have some hot cocoa and cookies afterwards!


  1. AHHH I love your family! What amazing memories. P.S. Loving the new, bright look on the blog. Super cute!

  2. don't you love it when it takes 30 minutes to get ready and then they play for five minutes?! haha
