Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ryder - 4 months

Last week Ryder turned 4 months old.  He is growing so quickly, and it amazes me that he is already so old.  He is definitely a baby now and not a newborn.

He loves to be held, loves hearing Rilyn and mommy sing songs to him, is starting to attempt to play with toys, and has enjoyed his first ride in the jogger stroller.

He is still eating every 2 hours during the day, but only has 1 helping which means the time it takes to eat is about 1/2 of what it was a week ago.  That's been really nice to have that extra time during the day.  He still spits up tons, but we don't think the reflux bothers him so he isn't on the medicine for it.

As far as sleeping goes we are doing much better.  He is going to sleep around 6:30 PM and will wake up once between then and 1:00ish for a pacifier.  He eats at 1 and then gets a pacifier again around 4 and then will eat around 5 or 6 when he is then awake.  We were trying to not give him the pacifier during those two times and let him "learn" to put himself asleep, but he won that battle.  He is also napping really long as he is in the Wombie.  He takes 3 naps a day anywhere from 1 - 3 hours long each just depending on the day.  We lay him down awake and he puts himself to sleep and it is great!

Weight: 15 lbs 13 ounces (55%)
Length: 24 inches long (85%)

He laughs and talks all the time and is way more talkative than Rilyn was.  He rolled over once, but hasn't done it again so I don't know if we can count it or not : )

He is such a fun and happy little boy and we are enjoying him tons.  Rilyn also still adores him and she is such an amazing big sister!

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