Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's going by soooo fast!!!!!

Yea! We are 23 weeks pregnant today!  That means we only have 118 days left.  I sure wish it would slow down a little even though I am super excited to meet this little one it seems like there is a whole lot left to do.  For example, I spent a good hour last night comparing reviews on 2 different types of bottles and still have no idea what one to use.  I think I've got the diapering thing figured out (thanks to my good friend Kristin in PA) who I'm just going to copy :)  The room has now been almost 100% cleaned out, which means this weekend we might get it taped and ready to be painted. 
The coolest thing so far is the baby is moving everywhere!  Usually the baby just moves at night, but today I have been feeling him/her move all day.  Plus, I decided the baby will be super smart since the hearing is developed and he/she is just hearing me teach all day long.  Well at least the baby will know it's alphabet and count to 30 when it decides to enter this world! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I got a blog mention!!
    So fun that the baby is moving all around - I loved that.
    If you think that time is moving fast now, just wait until that baby comes - can you believe I'm planning Paige's first birthday party?
    Give me a ring when you get the chance - miss you!
