Sunday, September 26, 2010

Remember that one time...when you felt old???

So apparently I really like lists.  Each of my last posts have been numbered.  Sorry, but it's going to happen again.

Today, after a crushing sports day (Broncos and Rockies lost...and my 2 fantasy teams got smoked) I was watching my BFF (Best Friend Forever) (Seriously...Forever) leave my house and noticed some shananigans occuring.

There were some kids outside in a "soon to be" confrontation (fight). 

Step 1...yell "HEY" as loud as you can so that they break it up and walk away.


Note...In my mind they were all in a circle and were chanting "Fight...Fight...Fight".

Step 2...they don't break it up so you walk in their direction and scream "HEY" louder!


Step 3...keep walking towards them as you notice a kid on a bike pedal his chicken azzy away.


Step you approach put your most serious face on and say "my next call is to your parents".



Step 5...realize you have never seen any of these kids in your whole don't know their parents...and it's 10 vs. 1  (I mean I'm street and all but I don't know if Rocky ever went 10 on 1) 


Step 6...the actual trouble maker (that chicen azzy on the bike) is long gone, the other kids are pleading with me to not call their parents (that I don't know) and trying to make me believe that they didn't start it (see the chicken azzy).


Step 7...spout some nonsense about "brushing it off" and "we don't need things escalating" and walk back home.


Step 8...walk back inside and tell you wife that you just saved lives...that you're bullet proof (seriously...he shot me with a glock)...and you taught a kid to read.


1 comment:

  1. Don't walk, run, because i bet there are 10 more around the corner.
