Thursday, February 23, 2012

13 Months Old

Rilyn turned 13 months old on Wednesday!  She is moving faster, talking and signing like crazy, and able to understand tons of directions and things we say.

It's pretty cool now that we can tell her to do something or mention something and she will do it.
Her favorite things for us to say right now:
"Rilyn do you want to eat?" - She goes to her highchair
"I love you" - She opens up her mouth for a mouth kiss
"Let's go take a bath" - She starts climbing upstairs
"Let's go bye bye" - She tries to put her shoes and/or coat on

It can also be a challenge to figure out what she wants sometimes, and she is getting good at going to a particular spot and pointing to it too help us figure it out. This morning she was patting her mouth and it sounded like she was saying more but she signs more and didn't have anything to get more of.  This afternoon she did the same thing, but went to the kitchen were we keep her cup of water and did the same thing while pointing at her cup.  So, I guess that is her made up sign for drink.  We've been working on that one and it is a little harder than some others for kids.

She also was standing by her playpen a day ago and saying "no" (I thought).  When I looked over her hand was up to her ear and it was clear she was saying "phone" she had put it in her playpen 2 days before and remembered it was there.

She likes to babble and is very serious when she is talking to you.  You better be listening!
talking to Aunt Stacey

She loves to do laundry with me, and will put all the clothes in the dryer and also pull all the clothes out of the basket.

This last weekend we went to Ryan and Carly's for a craft/man work day.  The boys worked while the women do crafty stuff.  Carly posted about it on her blog so check it out....and enjoy some pics I took from the day.  Oh and they invited Porter and Zoe over for a playdate with Harpo.  They had so much fun and it was very nice of them to let our 2 muddy dogs run all over their house and we really appreciated it!

the bottles for the extract

vanilla beans

tea and vanilla extract 

playing with fabric

yum spaghetti
Ready for the weekend and some fun time with my baby and hunky hubby!

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