Friday, February 3, 2012

Snow day...sick day

So, our snow day ended in a sick day for two of the Decker members making for a very tired and over worked daddy!  He might have posted about how amazing I was last night, but seriously he gets all the credit for taking care of Rilyn and I today.

I started getting sick yesterday and today have a massive headache, a cough, and am pretty tired.  Nothing like being pregnant and sick to wipe out any energy stores you might have!

And then this afternoon Rilyn caught whatever it is I have and spiked a little (and her first) fever.  I figured as soon as she stopped nursing she would catch something because there is nothing like breastmilk to keep all the cooties at bay!

So, what does a first time mom with a first time fever do you might ask?  Check the baby's temperature every 15 minutes for the last 8 hours, and yep I totally just went in while she was sleeping and checked it again.  It's staying at 100.1 - 100.7, and I'm sure she will break by the morning but I want to know if it gets worse so I will probably keep risking waking a sleeping and sick baby to make sure it doesn't go any higher.

A sick Rilyn is kind of a sweet Rilyn.  She cuddled all afternoon and we soaked up the love.  She would try every half hour or so to get down and play but would be down for max 5 minutes and want to cuddle again.  That is definitely how we knew she was not feeling herself.

This morning while I was sleeping - you know because my amazing husband got up with Rilyn the early riser at 5:00 AM - Rilyn did continue to get into trouble as you can tell from the pics below:

And then the poor girl just laid around the rest of the day and watched the snow fall...

So happy Tyler was home to help today and hoping Rilyn is feeling 100% tomorrow!  

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