Thursday, February 2, 2012

Children's Museum and Quinoa Blueberry Muffins

Today Rilyn and ventured out to the Children's Museum in Denver.  We got a membership for her birthday from the Deckers and couldn't wait to use it!

I love that they have a place especially for babies so she was able to crawl around and play with everything without getting smooshed by the bigger kids.  We actually stayed in that one area the whole time and she was completely entertained.  We did take a quick look around to see what else there was, but I think that area is going to be our favorite for awhile.

She loved crawling on the bridge and sliding down it and cuddling with all the big bears.  She also loved cuddling with all the other mamas (what a ham).  She would just go over to one and put her head on them and give them love for a second or two and then walk away.  Obviously she can just tell when people need a little lovin and she is not afraid to pass it out.

I can't wait to go back and explore more areas.  It's nice not feeling rushed to do everything because we can go back whenever for free!!!

even the textured wall needs some love

climbing on the big animals

on the bridge

hello!  I can go the bathroom without holding her! Disclaimer...I was not going to the bathroom when this was taken.
We are supposed to get a big snowstorm this weekend.  I have mixed feelings about it honestly.  I really dislike having snowdays when I'm already off of school.  Those extra days off are so nice, and we don't get a lot of them.  Tomorrow would definitely be one and I am off anyways.  I shouldn't complain because at least I'm off work, but I am anyways!

The nice thing is Tyler might be off too and we can spend the day together.  I'm also pretty nervous about being snowed in...this girl likes to be out and about and 3 days in the house may make me crazy.

I'm sure she will be getting into lots of trouble like this:

And if you are wondering all pictures above have been taken on one day.  Yes, we have changed outfits 3 times.  Some days that's just how life goes.  Good thing I don't mind doing laundry and my hubby let me purchase a pretty washer and dryer to do all that laundry in!

Last but not least, this week I made some Quinoa Blueberry Muffins.  I got the recipe from this lady's blog
I am always looking for ways to sneak in protein and lets face it...Quinoa has to be one of the healthiest foods you can eat.  So, I thought we would give it a shot.  Rilyn LOVED them and has been eating them for days now.  I am so-so with them.  I think the whole wheat flour I added made them pretty tough, but for a "healthy" muffin they are pretty good.  It's hard not one a sugar-filled blueberry muffin instead because let's face it they taste better!  But, for breakfast and a quick snack these are awesome!


  1. So many things to comment on!

    1) Love the new layout and tabs!!! What a sexy blog you have.
    2) Your daughter has the best pigtails I've ever seen.
    3) Can you post the muffin recipe?
    4) You are such a cool mom and I wish you 3 would come over here and get snowed in with us this weekend!

    That is all.

    1. 1) We were totally inspired by you. Love your new look on the blog.

      2) It took me too long to figure out how to add pages and a menu but knew it could be done.

      3) Man oh man I hope we're snowed in. I am not getting my hopes up though. Last time I did and was in a horrible mood all day when it didn't happen.

      4) Miss you guys!

  2. Carly,
    The above comment was from Tyler...
    1) Thank you - yep Tyler totally copied your blog makeover!
    2) She hates the pigtails but it doesn't matter because we love them and we are the adults!
    3)Here is the link to the muffin recipe:
    4) Let's plan on getting snowed in together soon! That would be so awesome.
