Thursday, August 2, 2012

Home-made Playdough and a Disclaimer

Let's start with the disclaimer....a lot (most of) Tyler's opinions are his own and his own only.  I LOVE the Olympics especially the sport where people jump around on a 2x4 and can't wait for more jumping tonight!  However, I do agree with my husband that some (a lot) of the events are pretty stupid.  Like today I saw a little bit of water polo...and that has to be one of the most boring events ever to watch.  Let's throw a beach ball at eachother and swim laps up and down the pool while carrying that beach ball.  No thanks!  I'm sure these guys are super fit and their athletic ability is amazing, but being able to watch more than 5 minutes without falling asleep is an event I wouldn't want to be a part of!

Now onto the fun...Rilyn and I made some homemade playdough the other day.  I had been wanting to make some for awhile and just hadn't gotten around to it, but I'm sure happy it was something her and I had a chance to do before the baby comes because she loved playing with it.  It really only took about 10 minutes to make and the texture was very similar to store bought playdough, but there was no smell to it and I wasn't worried when Rilyn tried to eat it not once but twice.

We used this recipe

She has also learned how to get snacks on her own which we did not intend for her to be able to do.  Yesterday I was sitting on the couch as she got her stool, moved it to the counter, climbed up, and got into daddy's open bag of yogurt pretzels in under 3 minutes.  Today she helped herself to a nectarine.  She is very proud of herself of course and giggles the whole time she is eating.

Tomorrow we have our 41 week appointment and hopefully everything is looking good and we will have a baby this weekend.  Honestly, I'm loving the extra time with Rilyn, but am super uncomfortable especially at night and I am super afraid this baby is going to be pushing the 9 lb. mark which is no joy natural labor or not so I'm a little anxious for this baby to get here before it gets any bigger!

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