Thursday, August 23, 2012

What does it all mean?

Hello Friends,

In an attempt to increase my lameness (currently at an 8), I have to admit that I feel like that freaky crying dude from that double rainbow YouTube video.

Seriously people...meditate on this.

As I'm sure a lot of you know, these days it's probably easier to get on an airplane with a sharp object than it is to get approved for a mortgage.

Getting the bank/agents/inspectors etc. everything they need is seriously such a nightmare.  Ivan Drago then shows up, punches you in the head until you have brain damage, and then tells you that that they needed it all yesterday.

Then, when they have it (as soon as you can humanly get it back to them), you basically just wait around waiting for someone to tell you that it was that coffee purchase back in 2009 that will prevent you from actually getting approved.

Oh yeah, and the house down in Larkspur is manufactured which only adds about 25 more requirements that cost money you weren't planning on needing.

Then there are these other biggies.
  • The original house that we wanted in Elizabeth is still not even under contract meaning they haven't agreed to a sales price or conditions let alone trying to get the loan portion completed.  
  • The second house (which mysteriously sold for less than we offered, and yes, I'm considering filleting another agent) would have probably been close to an hour drive to and from work everyday.  Without snow.
  • We closed on the 22nd.  If that would have been pushed back even a couple days there is a good chance that it would have been cancelled at the last second because of a pending financial change.
And then this.

We refinanced about a year ago.  At the time it was just to try and save a little money, and to be honest, who wants to leave free money on the table?

With the refinance, we first tried to get a FHA loan.  After months of trying to get that pushed through it ended up dying because an appraisal came in literally $1000 too low.

To say I was livid is an understatement.  I think I blacked out for about 3 days and was looking for someone to fight (luckily, Anna kept me indoors during this time and ignored me).

When the FHA fell through we ended up regrouping and refinancing with a conventional loan which was a relief due to the money we had already spent trying to get the FHA pushed through, and because we still ended up being able to lower our payment a little bit.

Fast forward to today.

The new loan that we have for the house down in Larkspur is a FHA.  Turns out you're not allowed to have 2 FHA loans at any given time (I think because it has to be considered your primary residence).


Wait for it

If that refinance didn't get cancelled there is literally no chance that we could have moved.

Did I mention that not only are we moving, but pretty much moving to our dream house?

It's so stinking cozy (small), but here's the kicker.

Over 75% of our views are surrounded by 250 acres of forest.  Not just forest, but forest that will never be sub-divided or developed.


At the closing table the sellers let us know that they were forced to be late for work often due to them being unable to get out of the driveway due to local wildlife.  Deer, turkeys, and yeah, bears.


You Colorado people may know the landmark on I-25 driving south right before Monument called Monkey Mountain.  That would be the view off our front deck.


The sellers (who I went to High School which I didn't know until closing) are moving about a half mile down the road.  Turns out they love the city and neighborhood so much they're sticking around.


So yeah, I'm not smoking doobey and blubbering about a potential triple rainbow, but can you say EERIE?

1 comment:

  1. This post should be titled: The Lord Freakin Loves Me and Blesses Me Big Time Even When I Don't Realize it

    Love you guys and are super pumped for the move to the dream house!
