Friday, December 19, 2014

Santa Visit

Today we took the kids to see Santa.  I had originally planned on taking them to the library for Santa Story-time, where we could visit with Santa for free but I got sick and we had to cancel.

So, off to the outlet mall we went today and NO line!  The kids had fun and I did enjoy taking them even though we had to pay for pictures.  Ha, I know...I'm a cheap mom but I prefer the free pictures :)

Ryder was being a little stink and didn't want to smile for the pictures.  He loved Santa but knew he could get a little rise out of us by refusing.  By the time we got him to smile poor Rilyn had been smiling for 10 minutes so the boys are smiling but Rilyn definitely has the awkward "give me a break" smile.

When we were done Rilyn told me, "I'm really happy to see Santa because I was missing him today." These kids do love their Santa.

I was shocked that Sawyer didn't cry but nope so far we really haven't had any crying kid Santa pictures.  Maybe next year :)

1 comment:

  1. Lol Rilyn's smile! These pictures are amazing though! And that is one impressive Santa!
