Monday, February 9, 2015

Rilyn at 4 Years Old

Four years ago I become a mom and a love I never felt was possible was born.  The moment she arrived my life changed and it has become more amazing than I ever imagined.

Rilyn is, and has always been, an independent, strong-willed, and stubborn girl.  She is everything I didn't know I wanted in a girl.  As she gets older, those qualities make me proud and less, well a little less, worried about her.

She is a social butterfly; although, I do think that she is quite shy innately.  She has lots of friends and loves them as fiercely as she does her family.  She talks of her family most days and seems to always be missing someone.  She never wants to be alone, and prefers to have someone to play with.

She is lucky Ryder is fairly willing to comply even though he is definitely okay playing by himself. Her and Ryder make up elaborate play scenes and they are always coming up with something fun to play.  She loves to play pretend more than anything else probably.  They pretend to go to Montana, play doctor, restaurant, Frozen, babies, and lots of fun made up scenarios.

Rilyn loves to be outside and prefers to play in sand or snow.  She loves to dig and "cook."  She is getting pretty good at climbing and less afraid than she was a year ago.  She has always been afraid of slides but recently has started going down even the biggest slides.  Usually, she goes on her stomach clinging on for dear life as she goes down, but has started to brave them on her bum. She likes the rock walls at the parks and is getting better at figuring out the best foot and hand placement to get her to the top.

She likes to play board games, read books, dance, build with legos, help Tyler cook, and help me around the house.  She likes to play on her tablet and of course watch TV but we limit those quite a bit.  She also is a huge help with Sawyer and really does entertain him well when I'm busy.  She LOVES her brothers and quite often makes the argument that we can have more babies because she is a helper to not only me but grandma as well...true that.

She still doesn't love crafts and preschool type stuff but does play along with preschool and enjoys crafts as long as I keep it short and sweet.  She is learning new things every day and is just not going to be a sit and work kind of kid.  Good news is we don't have to worry about that right now!  She enjoys working with patterns and words but doesn't care much for letters or counting.  Actually, Ryder can probably count as many objects as she can because she doesn't have the patience for one-to-one correspondence.  She is good at puzzles and following directions though and will retell, create, or listen to stories for hours.  She also loves to write and paint.

She is still a great eater; although, does have some things she dislikes and don't tell her other wise. Onions, spinach, and more recently bananas top the list of dislikes.  She really likes most raw vegetables, fruits, sweets (of course), trail mix, and yogurt.  She liked oatmeal tons until she realized I put bananas in it and now tells me she won't eat it.  Too be honest, I don't think she really has a favorite meal and maybe that's because she is overall a pretty good eater and will try most things. She does love to cook and tells us all the time she is going to grow up and cook for us.

She still naps consistently as long as Ryder doesn't keep her up.  She is still an early riser and we struggle to keep her in her room until 6:30.  They are allowed to wake up and read books in bed but are supposed to stay in bed until their light turns on at 6:30.  I'm pretty sure she wakes up by about 5:30 most days.

Rilyn is a typical girl and loves drama.  She can throw a temper tantrum like no other and produce tears on a dime.  She tells us often that we break her heart...yep teenage years will be fun.

Overall, Rilyn is a very healthy kid.  She rarely gets sick and when she does it doesn't last very long. We are so blessed to have such healthy kids!  She is still on the taller side (80%) and bigger side (90% for weight) and I'm guessing that is just going to be her body type, since that has been pretty consistent since day 1.  She is active and eats well and continues to grow out of clothes way too quickly.

She is very caring for a kid.  She wants everyone to be happy and will snuggle for hours on end.  She is super sweet and funny and has a great sense of humor.  She is also very loud.  We call her Godzilla because when she walks it's like a herd of elephants tromping through the house and her voice is never quiet.  But, I'm pretty sure it's just because she enjoys life so much!

We love her so much and she brings so much joy to our lives.

I did a 4 year old birthday interview with her and these are the answers she gave me:

How old are you? 4

What is your favorite color? red

What is your favorite show? Frozen

What is your favorite book? The Little Drummer Boy

What is your favorite place to eat? Red Robin

Where do you live? Larkspur

What do you want to be when you grow up? Mom and Grandma

What is your favorite toy? Matching Game

What is your favorite animal? Tigers, lions, and giraffes

What is your favorite song? Frozen

Who is your best friend? Jane and Noah....Isaiah

What do you like to take to bed with you? Water

Who is your hero? God

What are you really good at? Puzzles, games, blocks, books, food

If you had 1000 to spend what would you spend it on? A baby doll

If you could have a wish what would it be? A Quacking Duck

What is your favorite food? Quesadilla (which its not we were making those for lunch at that moment).  Turkey Kendall made her.

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