Monday, February 9, 2015

Sawyer at 9 months

Sawyer turned 9 months old on the 3rd.  He is doing so many new things and his personality is really beginning to show.  He is definitely still our serious one, and is always observing everything around him.  Whenever a stranger meets him their first remark is usually, "He is serious, huh?"  The funny thing is at home he smiles and laughs all the time.

He loves his siblings and especially Ryder.  He always tries to kiss Ryder and takes his toys, which is a sign of love at this age, right? He is pretty interested in toys right now and loves to explore.  He likes knocking down towers and rolling balls.  He is army crawling and has been doing that since the end of December.  He especially likes to crawl to the dog water.  He watches us to make sure we aren't watching and that makes a run for it.  He goes under the table to get there so we meet him at the end and he usually gives a little cry when we don't let him dig in.  He has also decided the bathroom is the place to be and cries when he realizes the door is shut.  He is also pulling himself up and has been doing that for a couple of weeks.  He isn't super great at it, but is very proud of himself when he does do it.  He likes taking baths and water in general.

He loves to be outside, and since the weather has been nice we've been hanging outside a lot.  If I open the door to let the dogs out and he doesn't get to go outside with them he throws a little fit.  If he is in a bad mood (most afternoons) going outside for awhile definitely can turn it around so I'm thankful for the nice weather we've been having.  He loves the swing and the slide at the park.  He thinks it's super fun to go down the slide with sissy!

Actually he really enjoys being outside of the house in general.  I was afraid it would be difficult to take three younger kids out on my own, but really it's easier than staying home.  He is really content on my lap, in the carrier, or in the stroller so going out has been great.  Although, now that he is starting to be more mobile I'm guessing that is going to change soon!

Ryder eats 3 meals a day of solid food and has even started to have an afternoon snack some days. Our pediatrician asked us today if we've tried cheerios because I guess he assumes we've only given him baby food and Tyler and I both just nodded and and looked at eachother with smiles.  Ha, he has had way more than cheerios since he just eats off of our plates.  Pears, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, blueberries, pasta, eggs, yogurt, and peanut butter are probably his favorites and non of those are in purred form unless they come that way.  He even had a little Salmon as we have started incorporating a tiny bit of humanely raised meat into our diet.  He really loved the fish.  He is still nursing quite often at least every 3 hours and a couple times at night.  He drinks from a bottle, a normal sippy cup, or a straw cup.

Yep, still not sleeping through the night.  He goes to bed around 6 or 6:30 and then is awake again about 9 (or whenever I curl up in bed and get comfy) and then again once between 1 and 3 and then is up for the day anywhere between 5:30 and 7.  I thought we were about to make progress but teething and a cold has definitely not helped.  His naps really vary.  Some days he takes two good naps (between 1 - 2 hours) and other days he sleeps for a total of 20 minutes.  He just has not got the hang of putting himself back to sleep if he wakes up.

We had his 9 month check up today and he is doing great.  He has 4 teeth with a couple just poking through.  3 on bottom and 1 on top.  He is still on the smaller side as he weighs 17lbs 8 ounces (20%) and is 28 inches long (40%) His head circumference is in the 25%.  It's funny how our kids are so different when we've pretty much fed them all the exact same way.  He makes lots of sounds but mostly just sounds like a caveman because he does a lot of grunting.  He has a great rat tail going on and will actually get a hair cut pretty soon I think.  He is getting called a girl more often than a boy even when he is dressed in obvious boy clothes.

He is a fun little guy!  We are definitely ready for him to sleep better because we know his mood will improve, but overall we still love being with him and watching him grow.

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