Sunday, February 1, 2015

Christmas Eve/Day

This year we traveled to Montana for Christmas...well for Christmas Eve.  A big snow storm was heading in and we knew the roads would be pretty bad for a few days so we decided to head back home on Christmas Eve.  So, we got to spend Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day with Tyler's.

The drive up to Montana was a little rough because it snowed the night before which we didn't realize it was going too so we had black ice pretty much all through Wyoming...blah.  But the kids did pretty good considering how long of a drive it is.

Ryder got a black eye for Christmas

When all else fails....stick stuff up your nose...very entertaining
Sawyer learned to crawl well he actually just pulls himself along like an inchworm.  He really wanted to get Willy and decided rolling wasn't going to get the job done.  Now he's everywhere and into everything.

We actually did presents with my family on Tuesday and than Wednesday my mom made dinner for everyone and we headed out around 4.  Tyler was such a champ driving the whole way and got us home in a record 8 1/2 hours.  Considering Sawyer needed 3 nursing breaks it was really good timing and he got us home just in time to enjoy the snow from our warm house instead of our car!

The next morning one very excited little girl woke us up to see what Santa left and two very tired parents obliged even though we had only had about 5 hours of sleep.
Rilyn and Ryder both got tablets among a stocking stuffers and a little toy.  Sawyer was pretty excited with his toy and stocking stuffers.

We got dressed and headed to the Decker's house for appetizers. We were happy to have family and food on Christmas Day!

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